Geez... have the years actually gone by? ...the road signs all blurr together? Yes and Yes. Actually, I forgot my user name and password. Actually had to email someone to get it..... thank you someone. Have you seen this years concept cars? The gas-less models run on various fuel alternatives. I hope they keep stick shifts. I favor them over automatics. Having learned how to drive a stick in San Francisco, it is hard to consider the positive side of automatics. (R U keeping up?)
Premature turns, stops and breaking have always sent me over the edge. I almost killed myself with an automatic. Forgot all about it, until I had to use a highway ingress... Stalled the piece of crap and cars behind me started to notice me very quickly.
Anything to be the center of attention.
I love convertibles, but always a stick shift. If there is no stick, this ride isn't interested. Having grown up in the City by the Bay, any side of the street, or even the middle of the street is cool with me. I just don't care to watch people walk anywhere they want.... even people who drive stick shifts. (keeping up with the inference?)
If I walk, it is on the way to my car.... remember my bias for convertibles with stick shifts. Have one now, complete with ground effects or body kits, whatever. A real head turner.
The next ride will need to be tricked out with some flash too, grill and rims. The cast aluminum rims are ok, but the flash of chrome on spokes is tooo cool. My little third ride, bless her heart, brought back old memories: car shows, racing, NOX, etc etc etc. She learned to drive in fifteen minutes, I swear. People ask her where she learned to speed-shift..... My Mom taught me.... isn't that a mind blower for these kids. Is there another way to shift... I like shift shock.
I was a big muscle car fan.... Super Bees, Hemi-Cudas, or wedge Plymouths, Dodge Chargers, Chevy Novas (No Va south of the border means it won't go anywhere... lol)... actually I was one of the few girls at the quarter mile track..... Loved racing... what a rush.... The track has been dug up and houses are there now..... Anyone remember the Freemont Drag Strip outside of San Francisco..... My very favorite days. 426 wedge Plymouth, smoking tires, rearing like a stallion with rollers on the back end to reduce sparking. Black, plain, no flash, no shine. Loved being in stealth mode until the little stallion blew the 'doors' off my prey.
Pickle Dish Number 2
As I piece this block I can see so many more options. I imagine you might
see them now as well. Here are some stats re: the make up of the block.
Click & d...
14 years ago