Sunday, October 03, 2010

The little ride has a one car garage, so un-modern womanish. Anyway, that is how it is. There is a Chevy Cavalier that has had the opportunity to park in the garage now for 8 years. Unfortunately it was never put it park because it is a manual shift and it kept coasting. There is an Expedition too for the last eight years it has had a lot of baggage in the back of the truck and really didn't fit no matter how hard we tried. Now, there is a motor cycle. There is room in the garage for the Little Ride and for the cycle too. So far it seems a perfect fit, no oil leaking on the pavement and no baggage on the back. Hate to admit it but the Little Ride is pretty happy with the motorcycle. It likes the speed, snap and sound so far. The motorcycle belongs to a long distance trucker so it won't be so easy to get bored and there is always something to do. Can you say delicious anticipation?

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